Book facilities like BBQs and car spaces, access noticeboards, and buy and sell locally – it’s the only communication tool you’ll need for easy living.
Does your building have a tennis court, swimming pool or bookable car spaces? Reserve it through Strataspot and be sure to get it first!
If you’ve noticed an issue in your dwelling, report it on Strataspot, and your building manager will receive it instantly to have it fixed.
Book facilities like BBQs and car spaces, access noticeboards, and buy and sell locally – it’s the only communication tool you’ll need for easy living.
Does your building have a tennis court, swimming pool or bookable car spaces? Reserve it through Strataspot and be sure to get it first!
If you’ve noticed an issue in your dwelling, report it on Strataspot, and your building manager will receive it instantly to have it fixed.
Book facilities like BBQs and car spaces, access noticeboards, and buy and sell locally – it’s the only communication tool you’ll need for easy living.
Log on to the dashboard
and manage all your tasks
and notifications
Communicate directly
with your building
manager and raise issues
Book building facilities in
your building such as
parking and spaces
Manage all your tasks and notifications
Raise strata-related and building issues
Book building facilities
Post notices and advertisements
Buy and sell goods locally
Create groups and make friends locally
Post notices and
advertisements on the
bulletin board
Buy and sell goods
directly to your
Create groups and make
friends locally who have
common interests
The idea behind the concept is quite simple: tenants and residents all have to communicate with Building Managers, Strata Managers, and Property Managers when they need something done or fixed. In the past, the communication was slow and decentralized. Any maintenance issues, faults, booking issues etc. were all done by phone calls, and emails. Things would get lost and issues would be unattended without any accountability. Strataspot centralizes the whole process and allows tenants/residents to have full visibility on the issues around their building while they’re being done!
Strataspot’s ultimate goal is to connect you with your neighbourhood and build a safe and strong community. That is truly empowering.
You can quickly access noticeboards, tenant information, maintenance requests, facilities bookings, strata information or by-laws from any mobile device, saving time and ensuring you are kept in the loop regarding all important matters related to your building.
The easy-to-use interface allows residents to self-manage activities such as facilities booking, parking reservations, or maintenance requests, freeing up time for the building manager to attend to more critical issues of your building.
The platform provides secured storage of all your building information and legacy history so it always stays with the Owners Corporation. This way, when a new Strata or Building Manager comes on board, there is no downtime in explaining past issues.
A Strataspot enabled building is a green building. That means that their noticeboard is now digital! No more papers in the lobby, car park or lift. Every resident will be now able to find and access all relevant information by simply logging in – wherever you are.
Join the private group created especially for your building and participate in the conversation. Ask for tips about your area or share your recommendations with neighbours. Finding a nanny, a plumber, or the best Chinese restaurant in your neighbourhood has never been this easy. Your world is bigger than your building. So if you are a fitness fanatic, a coffee connoisseur, or a furry kid-lover, you can also start and manage your own group and invite other people who share the same passions and interests.
Avoid the frustrations of playing phone tag with your building manager or trades person. Log in your maintenance request online and track the status from your own account and keep up-to-date.
Strataspot is like having a full-time assistant without the overheads. Forget foraging through emails and scribbled notes, or relying on an office assistant to remind you. Just log into the platform and everything is documented as you left it the day before, saving you time and money.
The easy-to-use interface allows residents to self-manage activities such as facilities, parking reservations or maintenance requests, freeing up time for the building manager to attend to more critical issues of your building.
There is no limit to the number of buildings that can be managed with strataspot. Imagine being able to distribute individual notices to each of your buildings and tenants. Within a community association with multiple strata plans that share common areas and facilities, Strataspot can help you manage several buildings with an easy interface.
Strataspot is like having a full-time assistant without the overheads. Forget foraging through emails and scribbled notes, or relying on an office assistant to remind you about who said what. Just log onto the platform and everything is documented as you left it the day before.
Creating notices for building maintenance issues is both time-consuming and cumbersome. Create and distribute all notices with the online bulletin board and keep all tenants and owners in the loop.
If you’re managing 100+ dwellings, and each owner pestering you for an update about their dwelling, get them to hop onto Strataspot and all the issues will be there for them to self-manage.
“The complex where this was achieved is diverse and in no way a small community having over 210 units, 20 commercial enterprises as well as a national supermarket chain present.”
Michael Baird St MargaretsSenior Facilities Manager
“We now are building historical data so new owners can view items easily and all By-Laws and conditions are in one place.”
Strata Committee Member Executive Committee Member
“The complex where this was achieved is diverse and in no way a small community having over 210 units, 20 commercial enterprises as well as a national supermarket chain present.”
Michael Baird St MargaretsSenior Facilities Manager
“We now are building historical data so new owners can view items easily and all By-Laws and conditions are in one place.”
Strata Committee Member Executive Committee Member
“The complex where this was achieved is diverse and in no way a small community having over 210 units, 20 commercial enterprises as well as a national supermarket chain present.”
Michael Baird St MargaretsSenior Facilities Manager
“We now are building historical data so new owners can view items easily and all By-Laws and conditions are in one place.”
Strata Committee Member Executive Committee Member
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